01202 526977 ae@adam-eason.com

Fall in Love With Exercise

I put this hypnosis audio track together when I had just got back home from a New Year trip in Africa and had just started my training for five marathons that I was running in successive weeks later that year. I needed a big boost to get driven and to truly fall in...

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Enhancing Sporting Performance

You are going to have to bear with me for a few paragraphs here if you are not into running. But this is all relevant to the personal development process I am sharing here in this hypnosis audio track. It is something that I have used directly in the past with amazing...

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Associative Strategy Of Elite Runners

A little while ago on my blog, I wrote on using dissociation as an evidence based process for enhancing endurance as a runner. Throughout my own research and exploration on how to use the mind to really develop our running ability, I have also found that related to...

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Getting The Runners High

Over the years, I have read a lot of information, opinion as well as some utter nonsense about something referred to as the “runners high”. Popular running blogs, and non-academics in the running community refer to this “runners high” as a sort of euphoria type of...

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