Welcome to Hypnosis for Running.
My name is Adam Eason and I love running… And all things hypnosis… I think I could merrily research, investigate and explore both subjects for the remainder of my days and be quite satisfied.
So I am combining two of my greatest loves here; I ran my first marathon back in 2001 and have been a full-time hypnosis professional since 1996 (see my main hypnosis website) … And I’m not just combining things for the sake of it, this is not purely some flight of indulgence (though there is some of that here, I must confess).
My PhD studies and ongoing research have examined the effects of the mind in advancing cardio respiratory endurance and there is a really impressive body of evidence to support the way the mind influences and effects endurance and physiology. Certainly my own running has benefited enormously as a result of the processes and techniques that I use from the fields of cognitive sports psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy, hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis, mindfulness and meditation processes. Facets of all this stuff has affected the way I run and how I approach my running and training.
Very few people would consider that I am an ideal build for a runner, I have a thick set frame and tree trunk legs that are a far cry from the slight and nimble build of most elite distance runners, so being able to employ psychological skills and techniques has helped me greatly.
It is a great joy for me to run along the sea front where I live in Bournemouth. Running beside the sea, breathing in plenty of sea air in all seasons is wonderful. When training for trail events and ultra marathons, I get to run in the beautiful Purbecks and along the Jurassic Coast which is stunning and a huge privilege.
My legs and feet get a lot more respect from me as I have aged and am not as frivolous about my health as when I was running in my twenties. Where I once had soft baby feet, blisters upon blisters have turned them into tough hard leathery things that give me an unfair advantage over my wife when walking through our children’s lego-strewn bedrooms.
This all gives you a taste of my ongoing running experience, filled with challenges, laughs and the odd pain in the arse. I prefer training in the cold, us red-heads were not designed for the warmer climes and I find training in the Summer months tougher and more physically demanding.
The races and events I compete in are what continue to motivate and inspire me and I have done several marathons a year since my first. I love being around runners who train with discipline and create such a supportive environment at races. I plan diligently and in great detail for my races – I stick to my schedules and thoroughly enjoy the journey of doing so.
Anyhow, throughout the years of running and having a successful hypnotherapy practice and hypnosis training college, in addition to my other audio programmes and books that sell globally, I quietly and slowly compiled a programme to help runners get better at running and to help them enjoy running more – using their minds. It formed the basis for my evidence based book on the subject, which has been reviewed incredibly favourably by running magazines and some brilliant runners around the world since it’s publication in early 2013.
All my race reports get posted here on this blog. It is here on this hypnosis for running blog that I chart my training, my toils, trials, my use of my mind to help assist my progress, my needless consumerism of running gadgetry, kit and gear, my influences, my ways of keeping motivated and keeping myself sane while also maintaining my marriage and getting my children to love running.
Today, this blog is my ongoing account of hypnosis for running. It is also a place where I share my work and research before it goes into my upcoming books and audio programmes, so you get the first taste of that here when I share tecniques and strategies about how to use your mind to advance running performance.
My aim is to provide inspiration for runners of all levels, as well as instruction and ideas for improving your mental approach. Along with some opportunity for me to vent my spleen and vocalise my ongoing relationship with running and hypnosis.
I hope you enjoy this hypnosis for running blog, find it useful, entertaining and illuminating, whether you are a runner or not. I am very accessible, if you have any questions, queries or thoughts, please do get in touch.